> Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 12:17:33 -0500
> From: Paul Crossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm trying to write a shell script where part of the functionality is an
> ftp.  How can I use ftp or a related utility so that I, or someone else
> doesn't have to be there to type the password.
> I tried
> ftp < filename, where filename is a text file that has stuff in it that
> I would type at the prompts....no go.
> I also tried
> ftp host.do.main < filename
> I can't use anything like rsh or rcp as this is a very secure
> environment that I'm working in.  Every box is locked down for the most
> part.  Most of my activities have to be done via ssh.
> I haven't tried sftp, but I'm pretty shure that it's not going to work.
> Anyone have any suggestions???
> Sincerely,
> Paul C.

Expect is the tool you want - I believe there is an O'Reilly book
about it.  

Obligatory warning: It's not a good idea to put the passwords in a
file since anyone who executes the script can look at the file and see
the passwords.


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