On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Darxus said:

D>My company has 4 redhat servers, plus a test machine, all running versions
D>of redhat from about 5.0 to 6.0.  I wish to get them all up to 6.1.  It
D>appears as though the only way to do this is to run the install program,
D>and tell it that I wish to upgrade.
D>All of these machines are in a rack, so it would be physically
D>inconvienient to have to put a boot floppy/cd in each one, one at a time.
D>It would also be inconvienient to have to reboot each of these machines.
D>There seems to have been some improvements in redhat package management
D>recently, so perhaps I am missing something.  Under debian, I would just
D>type "apt-get dist-upgrade", all new versions & their dependancies would
D>be downloaded, installed, and all server processes restarted.
D>Is there a way that I can telnet into each of these boxes, and run the
D>install program without rebooting ?  Maybe off of a loopback mounted iso
D>of the install CD ?
D>Would "rpm -Fvh *.rpm" be sufficient ?
D>For me, it would be ideal for all Linux distributions to standardize on

This version upgrade will load a new kernel... how would you upgrade that
without rebooting?  Note that this says nothing about potential problems with
upgrading from 5.x to 6.x.

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <http://moongroup.com> 
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