On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Eric Wood wrote:

> Thanks, but that img seems to not boot.  Just hangs when it accesses the
> floppy.  I d/l other .img boot disk to see if they'd boot and they do.
> Maybe this file is corrupt?

>From personal experience I gotta tell you "RedHat rescue disks STINK to
hell and back". They put some fuc*&%^% trickery into their rescue disks
that makes them more trouble than their worth; for example you have to
create approperiate devices under /dev before you can even mount your hard
disks..... I don't know about you, but in an emergency I seem no to
remember what major and minor numbers partition 7 on my 3rd SCSI hard disk

I have been using RedHat since 3.0.3, and I have NEVER seen a RedHat
distribution with rescue disks that work..... I always download Slackware
rescue disks, they have NEVER failed me. For everything else I use RedHat.


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