On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 01:43:39PM -0500, Chuck Mead wrote:
> SB>
> SB>doh!
> SB>
> SB>sagan% sudo rpm -Uvh rpm-*
> SB>error: failed dependencies:
> SB>        bzip2 >= 0.9.0c-2 is needed by rpm-3.0.3-6x
> SB>        libbz2.so.0 is needed by rpm-3.0.3-6x
> This should help:
> ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-6.1/alpha/RedHat/RPMS/bzip2-0.9.5c-1.alpha.rpm

That did indeed, and the newer rpm version does fix the y2k bug.  I'll
send a note to the rpm list about it whenever it finished subscribing me.

Steve Borho                       Voice:  314-615-6349
Network Engineer
Celox Communications Corp

Fortune of the day:
... Logically incoherent, semantically incomprehensible, and legally ... 

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