Is that scsi or ide? (don't know if this is relevant - unfortunately I so
not have scsi) If ide, can your bios autodetect hard disk drives? Shoudld
be unless your motherboard is really old. Anyway, I would go into bios,
run the autodetect facility and re-boot. Also you may want to try
switching on/off a few times. I have a machine which would die if I leave
it off for a few days and I have to do that to encourage the hard disk to
spin up.

Richard KHOO Guan Chen

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Ward William E PHDN wrote:

> Not so happy here.... I was directed to shut down every system under
> my control on the 30th and bring them up on the 3rd... well, my premier
> Linux box (I have 3 NT boxes, a 98 box, 2 Linux boxes and a Beowulf cluster,
> an HPUX, 5 SGI O2s, an O2K and a Onyx2 under my cognizance at work) came
> up with the worst Y2K news you can have....  
> Primary HD failure on boot.  Now it looks like the secondary has failed as
> well... FWIW, they are both WD Caviars. The machine had had an uptime of
> 170 days prior to the shutdown.... :(  The drives appear to be paperweights
> now.... 
> And of course, it's one of only four machines I have no adequate backups
> for. 8(  Darn it, I've been telling my boss to let me hook up our StorageTek
> library so that I can get the backups going properly, and he's blown me off
> on it since February (but promises the end of this February).  And now
> >I'M< going to be the one in trouble.  TINJ.
> Bill Ward

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