That's too bad Perry......I do a similar thing here for years, and have
thought mant times of closing as there is no money in it unless you have
mucho buckaleros to throw around......

There are multiple service providers here that do it Free ... , lets see,
even with no staff, 1gig of traffic @19c / MB wholesale = ...  well you get
the picture........

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 3/01/00 at 13:52 Perry Blalock wrote:

>After 5 years of operation, I am about to shutdown my ISP biz, I just
>can't do it alone any longer.
>I haven't offered it up for sale to anyone, but if interested drop me a
>line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I'm closing down the last connection on
>28 February 00.
>The real purpose of this post is that I still need some DNS service
>after I shutdown my own name servers.  I do recall seeing a service on
>this mailing list, some time ago, that offers this service.  If you
>know of any service that offers DNS, could you please let me know.

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