On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Cokey de Percin wrote:

> Brian wrote:
> > 
> > no
> > 
> > On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Kevin Diffily wrote:
> > 
> > > I have a current RAID Array (Level 0) that I would like to increase
> > > in size.  Is it possible to add another disk non destructively or
> > > will I need to rebuild the array and restore the data?
> > > 
> Hmmmm... Not necessarily true.  There isn't enough info to give a good 
> answer.  If this is software raid, then probably not.  If this is 
> hardware raid then maybe.  
> There's two parts to this:
>   1) can a device be added to the raid group and the raid group extended
>      across it.
>      a) for software raid, if you're using LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
>         then yes you can add a device, if not then no.

LVM? clue me in, what is lvm and how does it work with raidtools?

>      b) for hardware raid, depends on the manufacturer.  My Mylex 
>         Acceleraid allows additional devices added after the raid group
>         is built.  Other Manuf. do also. 

yes, DPT, Mylex, etc.  But do they have it with support for linux.  For
example, the Mylex Xtreme RAID 1100, yes you can, in the bios, add a drive
to an existing RAID.  But how does the operating system handle the
geometry of the disk changing like that, how does it deal with it?

We have xtremeraid 1100 controllers and DPT SmartRaid V controllers, but
have you actually expanded a raid and gotten it to work under linux?

>   2) is there a way to extend the file system
>      a) there is a utility called ext2extend (I think that's the name)
> that            allows a file system to be expanded or contracted.  Note that
> it's             beta (alpha?) but seems to work.  See Freshmeat for the current
> rev
>         1.06.  I seem to remember another, but cann't remember the name
>         right now.
> This may not do you any good in this instance, but you might consider some
> of the possiblities these present in your future planning.
> Best
> Cokey
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cokey de Percin, DBA            Email:
> Policy Management Systems Corp.  Work - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Columbia, South Carolina         Home - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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Brian Feeny (BF304)     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
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