I have a dynamic IP account for my DSL from uswest.net.  
Everyone who gets such an account receives a Cisco 675
router (this may have changed to a later version recently).
Everyone with such an account will have an "internal"
network with the router being and the desktop
computer being  Everyone.  This internal network
is separate from the internet as a whole.  The router
itself gets assigned a dynamic IP but it is invisable
behind the router.  Below is the result of running
ifconfig eth0 on my system as I am connected and typing
email and web browsing:

[patrick@Tempus patrick]$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:04:6C:DE:AE
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:21185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:21843 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:20 txqueuelen:100
          Interrupt:7 Base address:0xe400

If I want to connect to my router and alter any settings, I telnet 
into it and the address I telnet to is (I can also setup
minicom under linux or hyperterminal under windoze to directly 
connect to the router for configuring).  If I run ping, it
is the same as pinging localhost or  If I ping
I am pinging my router.

My thought was to assign something like to my laptop, if
that will work.  Otherwise I am going to have to setup, what, 
IP aliasing or something?

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Moutarlier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 10:23 PM
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
Subject: Re: connecting laptop to my desktop

Patrick O Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A bit more info... I have my 3c590 driver compiled into
> my 2.2.14 kernel but the tulip driver for my netgear
> is a module.  My 3com card is eth0 and the netgear would
> be/was (I removed the card and rebooted to be able to
> reconnect to the net and post) eth1. 
> I have a dynamic IP from uswest on my DSL but my box
> is and the DSL router is internally -
> to the world, my _router_ has whatever IP uswest assigns.
I guess is the address you assigned to your removed-card ?
Not the 3com ?
> I do not really know where to start here.  Not that it 
> matters but my desktop runs 24/7 - my IP probably remains
> the same most of the time though I don't know for sure (I can 
> never determine what my DSL router's IP address actually is.  
> Everything I've tried to determine it always gives me back
> the "internal" network IP of for the router and
> for my desktop). 

WHAT ????

what does /sbin/ifconfig 
says (please report the whole output).
You MUST have an interface configured with your external IP (maybe an alias
or it will never work. 


> What the outer world sees as my
> IP I don't know.
> patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philippe Moutarlier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 9:37 PM
> Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
> Subject: Re: connecting laptop to my desktop
> Well, I am not sure how to set 2 eth devices but I know it is possible.
> possibly :
> alias eth1 ethmodule.o 
> with the right options there.
> Make sure the second card is NOT using dhcp : your server might not
> like having 2 requests from the same client :=)
> What you might try :
> - move away any /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth1
> (assuming eth1 is your second card)
> - put your second card in and see if it is working
> - run /sbin/ifconfig eth1 "my_private_ip" netmask 
> you will have to use a private network to do what you want.
> you can pick addresses like. 
> 192.168.0.x   
> for your desktop 
> and
> 192.168.0.y
> for your laptop
> After that, and if it works, you will have to use "ipchains" 
> to masquerade your private ips .
> If it doesn't work, look at what ifconfig says about IRQS and IOs for both
> cards
> Philippe
> Patrick O Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have RH 6.1 on my desktop system, kernel 2.2.14.  I
> > presently have a 3com 3c900 installed and working with
> > my cisco DSL router.  I have an extra NIC, a netgear that
> > kudzu nicely detects and "sets up".  What I would like to
> > do is install this second card such that my laptop is
> > connected to the net thru my RH 6.1 desktop system.  
> > 
> > The laptop is an IBM ThinkPad 1400 with a 3com Etherlink
> > III 3c589 PCMCIA card.  I also have Caldera's OpenLinux
> > 2.3 installed on it.  
> > 
> > I tried first just installing the netgear card and 
> > booting up.  As I said, kudzu detected it fine but
> > I found that I could no longer communicate with
> > my DSL router.  If I ran dhcpcd, it would ultimately
> > timeout without ever acquiring an IP from my ISP
> > (uswest).  I also was unable to ping or telnet into
> > my DSL router.  When I removed the netgear card,
> > all was well again.  
> > 
> > I had thought to simply configure the netgear card
> > AFTER installing it (naturally) and didn't think it
> > would automatically cause a problem, but it did.
> > 
> > How do I proceed here?  What howtos do I need to 
> > read about this?  I need to know how to get these
> > two cards to coexist as well as how to setup my 
> > desktop system so that it will permit my laptop to
> > communicate with it and connect to the internet
> > (via my desktop via my DSL router).  Can anyone
> > help me out here?
> > 
> > patrick
> > 
> > 
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