* Pete Online" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi
> I wish to set the perssions on my fat32 drive so I can install
> vmware to it but even as root I can't write to it can I get a little
> help please, I'm the only one using this machine and it's at home
> so I don't have to much to worry about as far as others accessing it
> Cheers
> Pete

You need to specify the rw option in /etc/fstab to write to the

Here is my /etc/fstab line:

/dev/hda1        /mnt/dos       vfat    user,rw 0 0

For permissions, you are limited by the filesystem, but maybe using
the options user, rw, uid=blah might be helpful to treat files on the
mount point as if they were owned by the user with uid blah.

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