I posted the following on the apache-list (that is where it belongs but
the list is not very active yet)
If there is anyone on this list that is an Apache expert but is not on
the apache list could you please get in touch with me.  Unless you are
knowledgeable with Apache, Perl, PHP don't waste your time reading
this.  I've marked this [OT] for the redhat-list and [Apache] for the
apache-list.  I'm just looking for help.

I'm looking for help in completing the below detailed procedure which is
intended to do all the

*  Configure and compile the Apache Perl and PHP source modules - steps
which have to be done prior to compiling Apache source.  See procedure
*  Do whatever operations are required so Apache will handle both MySQL
and PostgreSQL.
*  Configure Apache so that the CGI interface knows how to handle C and
C++ and Python.

Therefore, when Apache web server executes it will handle C, C++, and
Python via the CGI interface, it will also handle perl scripts and perl
modules via the MOD_PERL  module, and it will handle PHP scripts via the
PHP module.  Various databases will be involved and apparently there is
a way of setting up Apache to forward SQL to a database and also the
MOD_PERL can be set up to access databases as can perl script handled by

 Apparently the MOD_PERL  will directly handle perl scripts and the PHP
module will directly handle PHP scripts but I think the Apache conf
file(s) need to be set up for all of this so that should be included in
the detailed procedure below.  By that I mean:  For PHP set the xxx
variable in the zzz.conf file to equal yyyy.  For Perl set the...., etc.

* My original request included the handling of JAVA which jason pointed
out would be JServlettes but that would also involve some Apache
configuration steps.

My only experience has been with CGI using WebSite and Netscape web
servers on Win95 as well as database servers where an SQL protocol was
used between a client GUI and the Server hosting the database.  The web
servers were set up to detect certain file types for perl, visual basic,

C, etc.  So I am also looking at doing the excact CGI thing with
Apache.  So the procedure is trying to bring several things together
including CGI.  These things take the form of 'MOD_PERL', 'PHP
module', 'CGI for bash command files, C and C++ and maybe Python',
and PostgreSQL for data base interaction (I'm still real fuzzy as to
what can be done here and how to set it up)', and also 'JServlette
operation and setup'.


1.  (a) cd to an installation directory (eg,
'/ted/download/apache_source/') to which the Apache source can be

After unpacking the tar source file into this directory, the first step
is to configure Apache compile.

2  (a) This is done running the configure script inside the Apache
(source) directory formed when the tarball was unpacked.   Do this as
ROOT.  The Apache source directory can be located anywhere for example


[If the default location is not the same as the desired location does
that information have to be passed to the configure and make processes?
The following step assumes it doesn't]

2.  (b)  The configure command  is as follows where '#' is the root
prompt and the current directory is '/ted/download/apache_source' and
the directory structure within the tarball are below this:

# ./configure --prefix=/www

This script will examine your system and prepare a make file for Apache.

3.  (a) Note that Apache has not yet been compiled - just configured

3.  (b) Next , cd  (as ROOT) to an installation directory for PHP source
for example '/ted/download/PHP_source  and unpack the contents of the
PHP tarball  into this directory .

4.  Now while in the top level PHP source directory  configure PHP as

# ./configure --with-apache=/ted/download/apache_source/apache_1.3.x
--enable-track-vars  --with-mysql --with-postgres

[Here is where I get lost, what all is required here with multiple
databases, I know the --with-mysql is okay because I copied it from some
instructions but I have no idea if --with-postgres is legal or what
other options might be available that should also be stuck into this
command line although there is supposed to be documentation in the PHP
source which explains all the possible options, this still does not tell
me how many legal combinations and which combinations are not in

5.  # make

6.  (a)  # make install

6.  (b)  Runing make will create the PHP library, and running make
install will prepare Apache for including the PHP module.  Note that the
call to configure included a path to the Apache source code directory
which is the top level directory contained within the Apache tarball.

7.  (a)  Now it is necessary to do the Perl module - that must be told
about the database stuff.
[Now I am lost]

8. (a)  Once the PHP and Perl configuration and makes are done cd back
to the Apache source code directory

[Note that apache_1.3.x is only used here to represent the most current
source release]

9.  (a)  # ./configure --prefix=/www

[Now I know this command line is not complete but I don't know what all
is missing - certainly the perl stuff and other things]

10.  # make

11.  (a)  # make install

11.  (b)  These  first make will create a new make file and the make
install will run it [I think] and the new httpd binary will be installed
in the /www directory.

11.  (c) [This part for PHP and probably something for Perl, I am
assuming is for POST make activity or post installation configuration

Here goes:  "PHP uses a file to supply additional configuration options
called php3.ini.  This file should reside in /usr/local/lib/php3.ini.

[Does it have to?  If not does PHP somehow have to be told where it is?]

 Copy this file (from whereever it now is) to  '/usr/local/lib/'

# cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini

[I imagine this php3.ini-dist is in the source directory somewhere]

12.  [This file may have to be edited to allow for everything

13.  [Lucky 13]  The last step [for PHP] is to associate a file
extension with PHP.  This is done by editing either of the srm.conf or
httpd.conf files which can be found in Apache's conf directory as a set
of 3 conf files.   Add the line

'AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3

[ I also think there is something to add regarding the PHP module?]

14.  Do a similar thing for Perl [and what would that be?]

[below is a note of MOD_PERL taken from Apache FAQs.  Regarding Perl, I
have a command called cpan  (I am not yet well informed on this
command)  which I understand will not only update the MOD_PERL source on
my machine but will activate the make files which should result in a
compilation.  If that is the case then could I just use the perl 'cpan '
command  (perl -MCPAN -e shell) and when I get the cpan prompt simply
have it build and execute the make MOD_PERL make files????]

15.  The above additions associated with PHP and Perl will cause all
files with the extension .php3 and .pl to be executed (.php3 as PHP
scripts) and .pl as a Perl script).

16.  Default document can be insterted [How????]

17.  Whenever the Apache server is started, it will process PHP scripts
and Perl scripts.  C, C++ executeable information is passed through the
CGI interface.

[Doesn't Apache have to be told what to do with the executable type file
- when Idid this stuff on Win95 using several commercial web servers
they were already set up so that there were directories for VB, C, C++
executeables and the server somehow knew where these directories were
and launched the executeables and passed them any parameters - so that
is the kind of information I'm looking for here.]

Configuring and installing apache with mod_perl is a complex process, so
it is really not a good idea to
attempt to do it manually. If you are used to configuring third-party
modules into Apache using the
apache configuration process, please realize that running mod_perl's
Makefile.PL with the right
parameters does this for you.

Read the INSTALL* files in the top-level mod_perl distribution directory
and then choose one of the
INSTALL.simple* recipes that is close to your requirements, as a
starting point. When you succeed in
compiling and linking an httpd, a quick way to check that everything is
configured according to plan is to
run it with the -l (list compiled-in modules) and -V (show paths) flags.

[I think this would have to be done after the PHP step and before Apache
is compiledI- 'm not sure that this will properly integrate with the
above required operations like PHP and the database server operations]


This request for help was included in a previous note to the list so I
have extracted it to avoid  confusion.  I'm looking for help in
completing the below detailed procedure which is intended to do all the

*  Configure and compile the Apache Perl and PHP source modules - steps
which have to be done prior to compiling Apache source.  See procedure
*  Do whatever operations are required so Apache will handle both MySQL
and PostgreSQL.  Following the detailed procedure are 4 steps Jason
outlined that should be included in this detailed procedure.
*  Configure Apache so that the CGI interface knows how to handle C and
C++ and Python.

 Apparently the Perl module will directly handle perl scripts and the
PHP module will directly handle PHP scripts but I think the Apach conf
file(s) need to be set up for all of this so that should be included in
the detailed procedure below.  By that I mean:  For PHP set the xxx
variable in the zzz.conf file to equal yyyy.  For Perl set the...., etc.

* My original request included the handling of JAVA which jason pointed
out would be JServlettes but that would also involve some Apache
configuration steps.

My only experience has been with CGI using WebSite and Netscape web
servers on Win95 as well as database servers where an SQL protocol was
used between a client GUI and the Server hosting the database.  The web
servers were set up to detect certain file types for perl, visual basic,
C, etc.  So I am also looking at doing the excact CGI thing with
Apache.  So the procedure is trying to bring several things together
including CGI.  These things take the form of 'Perl Module', 'PHP
module', 'CGI for bash command files, C and C++ and mybe Python', 'MySQL
and PostgreSQL for data base interaction (I'm still real fuzzy as to
what can be done here and how to set it up)', and also 'JServlette
operation and setup'.


1.  (a) cd to an installation directory (eg,
'/ted/download/apache_source/') to
which the Apache source can be extracted.  DO THE EXTRACTION AS ROOT.
unpacking the tar source file into this directory, the first step is to
2  (a) This is done running the configure script inside the Apache
directory formed when the tarball was unpacked.   Do this as ROOT.  The
source directory can be located anywhere for example
[If the default location is not the same as the desired location does
information have to be passed to the configure and make processes?  The
step assumes it doesn't]
2.  (b)  The configure command  is as follows where '#' is the root
prompt and
the current directory is '/ted/download/apache_source' and the directory

structure within the tarball are below this:
# ./configure --prefix=/www
This script will examine your system and prepare a make file for Apache.

3.  (a) Note that Apache has not yet been compiled - just configured
3.  (b) Next , cd  (as ROOT) to an installation directory for PHP source
example '/ted/download/PHP_source  and unpack the contents of the PHP
into this directory .
4.  Now while in the top level PHP source directory  configure PHP as
# ./configure --with-apache=/ted/download/apache_source/apache_1.3.x
--enable-track-vars  --with-mysql --with-postgres
[Here is where I get lost, what all is required here with multiple
databases, I
know the --with-mysql is okay because I copied it from some instructions
but I
have no idea is --with-postgres is legal or what other options might be
that should also be stuck into this command line although there is
supposed to be
documentation in the PHP source which explains all the possible options,
still does not tell me how many legal combinations and which
combinations are not
in conflict.]
5.  # make
6.  (a)  # make install
6.  (b)  Runing make will create the PHP library, and running make
install will
prepare Apache for including the PHP module.  Note that the call to
included a path to the Apache source code directory which is the top
directory contained within the Apache tarball.
7.  (a)  Now it is necessary to do the Perl module - that must be told
about the
database stuff.
[Now I am lost]
8. (a)  Once the PHP and Perl configuration and makes are done cd back
to the
Apache source code directory '/ted/download/apache_source/apache_1.3.x'
[Note that apache_1.3.x is only used here to represent the most current
9.  (a)  # ./configure --prefix=/www

[Now I know this command line is not complete but I don't know what all
missing - certainly the perl stuff and other things]
10.  # make
11.  (a)  # make install
11.  (b)  These  first make will create a new make file and the make
install will
run it [I think] and the new httpd binary will be installed in the /www
11.  (c) [This part for PHP and probably something for Perl, I am
assuming is for
POST make activity or post installation configuration puposes.]
Here goes:  "PHP uses a file to supply additional configuration options
php3.ini.  This file should reside in /usr/local/lib/php3.ini.   [Does
it have
to?  If not does PHP somehow have to be told where it is?]  Copy this
file (from
whereever it now is) to  '/usr/local/lib/'

# cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini
[I imagine this php3.ini-dist is in the source directory somewhere]
12.  [This file may have to be edited to allow for everything
13.  [Lucky 13]  The last step [for PHP] is to associate a file
extension with
PHP.  This is done by editing either of the srm.conf or httpd.conf files
can be found in Apache's conf directory as a set of 3 conf files.   Add
the line
'AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
[ I also think there is something to add regarding the PHP module?]
14.  Do a similar thing for Perl [and what would that be?]
15.  The above additions associated with PHP and Perl will cause all
files with
the extension .php3 and .pl to be executed (.php3 as PHP scripts) and
(.pl as a
Perl script).
16.  Default document can be insterted [How????]
17.  Whenever the Apache server is started, it will process PHP scripts
and Perl
scripts.  C, C++ executeable are passed through the CGI interface.
Apache have to be told what to do with the executable type file - when I
did this
stuff on Win95 using several commercial web servers they were already
set up so
that there were directories for VB, C, C++ executeables and the server
new where these directories were and launched the executeables and
passed them
any parameters - so that is the kind of information I'm looking for

Jason, your reply was both helpful and informative and if you are
interested and
wish to pursue this further with me you might  correct the above
procedure (as
far as I've got it) and fill in any missing stuff that you can.    I
would invite
any others reading this to do the same.  Once I've got the procedure
enough for anyone to do I'll be happy.

Please forgive any typos.

PS:  I did not include what I once read about the Perl module yet
because I'm still trying to find the information in the Linux Apache web
pages that came as part of the binary installation.

Jasons suggested the following steps be included.:

> 1) Install MySQL libs
> 2) Install PostgreSQL libs
> 3) Install an ODBC package, like iODBC
> 4) Build Apache/PHP/Jserv/Jakarta based on your environment.  I

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