I just wanted whatever input you guys cared to send my way on some books I
am thinking of getting.  I am transitioning from a Windows NT administrator
(I know, I know!) to a Unix/Linux administrator (Hey, I eventually came
around), so I am not starting from scratch but I am unfamiliar with Unix and
Linux except on a basic level.  I would appreciate any help you could give.
It's just that there is such a large selection of books that I am having
trouble choosing, although I am not averse to buying more than one book on a
subject.  And for those interested, yes I already have searched the archives
on MoonGroup.  What I am interested in is your impressions of the books as
experienced users who can now look back and evaluate what they needed.  Also
I know that one or two of the books are on a distro other than redhat, I
will possibly be supporting them so any comments would be helpful, or at
least comments on the redhat versions in the same series(* Unleashed, Using
* Special Edition, etc.).  Thanks
in advance to everyone for your help and your patience.

Rusty Fletcher
Vertex Solutions

Unix and Linux Reference Books

UNIX in a Nutshell, Third Edition; Robbins, Arnold; O'Reilly
UNIX Unleashed, Third Edition; Burk, Robin / Douba, Salim M.; Sams
UNIX Unleashed : System Administrator's Edition, Second Edition; Burk, Robin
    / Horvath, David B . / Farra, William A.; Sams
Linux in a Nutshell, Second Edition; Siever, Ellen; O'Reilly
Running Linux, Third Edition; Welsh, Matt; O'Reilly & Associates
Red Hat Linux 6 Unleashed; Ball, Bill / Pitts, David; Sams
Linux Unleashed, Fourth Edition; Parker, Tim / Ball, Bill / et al.;
Linux Complete; Taylor, Grant; Sybex
Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 Unleashed; Skoll, David; Sams
Linux : The Complete Reference, Third Edition; Petersen, Richard; Osborne
SuSE Linux 6.1 Unleashed; Ball, Billy / Robbins, Daniel; Sams
Using Linux, Third Edition : Special Edition; Tackett, Jack, Jr./Gunter,
David; QUE
Special Edition Using Caldera OpenLinux; Smart, Allan / Ratcliffe, Erik;

System Admin Books

Essential System Administration, Second Edition; Frisch, AEleen; O'Reilly
UNIX Unleashed : System Administrator's Edition, Second Edition; Burk, Robin
    / Horvath, David B . / Farra, William A; Sams
Linux Network Administrator's Guide; Kirch, Olaf; O'Reilly
Red Hat Linux System Administration Handbook, Second Edition; Komarinski,
    Mark F. / Collett, Cary; Prentice Hall
Linux System Administration Unleased; Schenk, Thomas / Moore II, Ivan; Sams
Linux System Administrator Survival Guide, Second Edition; Parker, Timothy;
Red Hat Linux 6.0 Administration Tools; Fisher, Charles; McGraw-Hill
Linux Companion for System Administrators; Hein, Jochen; Addison Wesley
Linux Administration for Dummies; IDG Books
Red Hat Linux System Administration Handbook, Second Edition; Komarinski,
    Mark F; Prentice Hall

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