
I'm having trouble with NIS.  

% ypcat passwd, group, etc.

on the client will list the passwd (etc.) file from the server, but only 
users who have local (on the client) accounts can log in on the client.  
In the NIS Howto there is included at the end a C program to test the 
getpwnam function, and this produces a segmentataion fault unless one comments
out the lines which retreive the uid and gid information, although this
is true for local users (who can log in) as well.  Retreiving name,
password, gecos, directory, and shell stuff all works fine, though the
passwork field is always an x, even if I'm not using shadow passwords.  
This test produces the same results whether or not I use shadow passwords 
(I'm converting back and forth on the ypserver using pwconv and pwunconv,
then editing the yp Makefile and re-running /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m).  

Question 1:  Is this behavior (no or broken uid/gid fields in getpwnam)
part of the reason NIS users can't log in on the client, and if so how
do I fix it?

Question 2:  If not question 1, any ideas how I can get this working?

Thanks for your time,

Nathan Smith

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