First off, there's no such thing as an invalid IP ;)  However, if you're
referring to IP ranges which are designated at private IPs (i.e, 10.*,
192.168.* and 172.16/12), there are a couple things: ipfwadm (I believe) and
ipvs (which I use).  Both, AFAIK require a kernel patch, but will allow you to
redirect traffic from an Internet address to an internal (private or not)
address.  You then add ipchain's MASQ to the ipvsadm configuration and blammo
- your private IPs can be accessed and routed back to the Internet.


On 13-Jan-2000 Michael Gatti wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Thanx for the reply but what I'm looking for is a software that does 
> Network Address Translations, my ISP gave me 4 IP addresses and I 
> configured a linux server to run as a firewall leting all computers 
> of my internal network access the internet through Ipchains, but what
> I want is that when a user from the internet request one of the IP's 
> my ISP gave me my Linux server running NAT translates that valid IP 
> address to one of my servers with a non-valid address and forwards 
> all incomming request to that valid IP to him, as if he had the valid
> IP address himself. I don't know if ipchains does that if it does 
> could someone show me were I can find some doc's on how to do that.

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