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I installed RH 6.1 yesterday on a system networked with DHCP.  After
specifying "DHCP" upon installation, everything worked just dandy.

I then decided that I wanted a static IP for myself, so I used 'netconf'
to change from DHCP to manual, entered the appropriate IP address, set the
gateway, DNS information, etc.  However, I wasn't successful in getting
things working (there are firewalling rules here and I'm not sure what my
host mask should be), so I tried to revert back to DHCP.

Basically, a /etc/rc.d/init.d/network reload just hangs, until you press
<Ctrl><C>, after which I can ping any site and use the network normally.  
Strange.  I could live with this, but it also means it hangs upon system
boot up, so I have to boot with "I" (interactive startup) and tell it
*not* to start up the network.  Annoying.  :p

By the way, when I tried "activating changes" from netconf, I eventually
get an error message and here is what appears in the logs:

        * The command takes more than 15 seconds to execute, odd
        * Left running in the background

[ So why does my networking *work* then?  :-) ]

I ensured that I got rid of gateway info, host name, IP address, etc., and
also tried removing /etc/sysconfig/network,
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, etc. but I can't seem to figure
out how DHCP was configured *upon installation* (ie. when it all worked so

Any ideas?

- --------------< LINUX: The choice of a GNU generation. >--------------
Steve Frampton    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Japan Communications, Inc.
Software Developer/Systems Administrator    http://www.j-com.co.jp/
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