On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I had attempted to use FP on a machine some time ago. I could not get it to
> configure.

> At 02:41 PM 1/19/00 -0500, Steve wrote:
> >Anyone have the FrontPage server extensions running on apache1.3.9???

While tricky, FP2000 is not very hard to install on Apache 1.3.9 (ok,
so we did it about 10 times).

If you untar the FP tarball, there is an apache subdir containing a
patch for Apache 1.3.4.  This patch can be applied to the 1.3.9 tree,
but there will be a rejection.  This can be resolved by hand, as it
only really deals with one line (details escape me right now, but look
for a line dealing with x:\).

a ./configure --add-module=mod_frontpage.c --other-options-you-want

Install the patched Apache, then go and run the fp-install script.
Choose webserver type apache-fp.

That is of course, if you want to go the integrated module route
(which allows administration from FP2000 itself).  The other route
requires no patching of the server.

Of course, as has been noted, FP can be a security risk.


Duncan Hill                     Sapere aude
One net to rule them all, One net to find them,
One net to bring them all, and using Unix bind them.

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