On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 03:12:20PM -0800, Brandon Dorman wrote:
> Don't know what I may be getting myself into here, but what do you
> guys think about the Crusoe?  Sounds absolutely awesome!!  (with
> Linus there, how could it not be??)   And IBM seems to be a friend
> of Linux too.  I think this could be the start of the dethroning of
> bad software (M$) for good.  (what we've been working on is the
> groundwork for the revolution.  :-)

I am willing to make the sacrifice of beta testing one of those 'web
tablets' or whatever they were called. ;)

Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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  • Crusoe Brandon Dorman
    • Hal Burgiss

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