On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Mike Green wrote:

> I'm having a strange problem on startup:
> When the machine gets to the line output to the screen which says "Starting
> sendmail:"  it sits and grinds for a verrry long time.  Then it moves on with

Make sure that your host name and ip are included in (correctly) your
/etc/hosts file

> P.S.  I have Redhat 6.2 installed on a Pentium 90.  This is an upgrade
> installation done over a Redhat 5.1 installation.  I'm only able to use this
> system sporadically, not having had time to devote to really
> learning it well enough to make it an effective tool for me.  I've done quite a
> bit of hacking about trying to make this or that work; and I know I've messed up
> a number of bits of the configuration, without knowing which, or how to fix
> them.
That's why some of us find it less time consuming in the long run to simply
'blitz and re-install' rather than 'upgrade'. ;-)

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