i like the setup that USWest gave you. i wish BA had done the same in our
area, but what can you expect when dealing with one of the baby bells. for
now i will take a look at http://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe.html and see
what i can dig up.

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Patrick O Neil wrote:
=>Hmmm.  The Cisco router that USWest supplied me for my DSL
=>connection is a single-computer router about the size of a
=>small answering machine.  It contains the username and 
=>password and other settings for connecting to uswest.net.
=>On my single computer connected to this router via eth0,
=>I just setup eth0 to use dhcp.  That was it.  The router
=>uses NAT, which is essentially masquerading.  dhcp on my
=>computer initiates acquisition of an ip address.

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