> I believe this is only the case if the user has console ownership. If they
> are at the console, then can kick the power cord or do control-alt-delete
> just as easily, so at that point, it's moot.

True, physical access to the power is a problem, but CRTL+ALT+DELETE can
be shut off by changing the trap in /etc/inittab to something other than
/sbin/shutdown.  I've always liked the idea of setting it to:
"esdplay /usr/share/sounds/dont_shut_me_down.wav"

Many people who would /usr/bin/shutdown just because it amuses them
would not be as callous as pulling the plug on the system.

Wei, if you don't want your local users to shutdown your system, remove
the "usermode" package.  One less SUID program, anyway...  :)


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