* David Yates ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Where can I get efm (the still under-development file manager for
> enlightenment)?

Try "massively OT" :)

For one, its not released. Its only available from enlightenment cvs
(http://www.enlightenment.org/cvs.html) and depends on two other
development (non-released) libraries to function. They are also in cvs
there. imlib2 and eConfig.

Second, it is not, and will not be a standalone file manager. It will
be integrated into enlightenment for version 0.17.

Third it is not guarenteed to work from cvs as it is under heavy
development, and the rule is: "if you can't work out how to compile
it, don't." It could break your system.

If you are brave, and know how to hack C code. Have a go. But this is
not at the stage where people should be trying to use it :)


    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
    /V\     |----------------------| www.tomgilbert.freeserve.co.uk |
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