On 10-Feb-00 AlphaByte opined:
> Yup. :-)
> That's all hunky dory and it still doesnt work, it is broken. Oh by the
> way, I
> am not printing to the parallel port, this is via eth0 -- it is a remote
> printer (and is therefore not supported.)
> Printtool does print test pages so that is not the problem. The problem
> is that
> unless an application is able to call the remote printer's shortname
> specifically I can't use it -- printtool does this and so does printing
> from the
> command line. Virtually all applications call lpr or lpd and these are
> what do
> not work, for example KDE's email client calls the shortname and prints
> fine.

Don't know if this will work for you or not It worked (and works) for me.

I created /var/spool/lpd/lp which is NOT what the printing stuff from redhat
seems to want to use. I then symlinked it to /var/spool/lpd/lp0 It has
worked for me that way since 5.1 and still works fine with 6.0 (I don't use
the X.1 releases any more since the fiasco I had with 5.1 - I have no idea
about this in 6.1).

I, too, do remote printing to a 'Doze box, which is what I've used since
the original problem cropped up. I let printtool link it to lp0 and my
symlink is what it's REALLY going to (lp).

Works like a charm for me.

Didja get any onya?

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