Hi, Eddie,

I've had this problem before.  You need to add a step in your sequence

Eddie Strohmier wrote:
> I am rebuilding my kernel on a RH 6.0 2.2.5-15 system. I have 3 devices that
> needed adding after doing the folloing:
> backing up my old kernel
> make mkproper
> make config >> here I set all my options the way they should be set<<<
> make bzImage
> make dep
> make clean
> make modules
> make modules_install
depmod -a version-number

Substitute version-number with the directory where your modules are
installed.  In your case, this directory should be
/lib/modules/2.2.5-15, so you would do 'depmod -a 2.2.5-15' after 'make
modules_install'.  When you do the depmod command, you might get some
unresolved dependencies messages.  I'm not sure what these messages
mean.  But I was at least able to boot the new kernel after running
depmod.  Good luck,


> I then copy my bzImage the boot directory and call it vmlinuz. I boot lilo
> with the image name vmlinuz and the old image vmlinuz-2.2.5-15.orig or label
> vmlinuz.orig. I then of course run lilo to set the new map. For some reason
> my
> system is hanging on the finding module dependancies as it boots and will
> not continue with the boot process. So essentially I have to hit reset or
> power down and hit tab to boot back to my old kernel. Has any one seen this
> type of kernel failure before. I have gone throught this 4 times now.
> Reading it step by step. I can not find anything I missed. Every time it
> hangs on finding module dependancies and never actually mounts the file
> system.
> I have done this in the past but was upgrading a kernel version but I have
> never had kernel boot problems of this sort. This is a p-333 II 256meg ram.
> I don't think the machine type matters, I just think I missing something
> that I can not find in the /usr/src/linux/README file and also the
> Kernel-Howto file.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in Advance
> Eddie Strohmier
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