On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Eddie Strohmier wrote:

> Ric:
> Ya I corrected myself in a mail that came about 30 minutes later. My problem
> was that for some reason my new kernel was not finding its module
> dependancies on boot up as the rc.sysinit file should instruct it to do so
> it would just hang at that spot. After e-mailing the list I got the idea
> from Kim Hidong to run depmod after running make modules_install and that
> worked. But the question remains why did the modules dependancies not build
> on boot up. Oh well it is built now thanks to Kim who had this same problem.

Modules drove me crazy for the longest time, so I just built kernels with
everything rolled in. Worked like a charm. Now the kernels are getting to
be kinda LARGE! ... one day hopefully, the docs will be re-written like
Chuck at MoonGroup did for sendmail. In plain english. A, B, C ...
I think writing code and writing documentation are two different brain
functions! <g> Glad you're rolling now. Life is good! Ric

:  Ric "Wayward" Moore   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   :      
:   "If you can afford it, you don't want it"   :
:--------------: New motto for Y2k : -----------:      
:     owned and trained by Calamity & Satin     :

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