Matt, your question was very unclear, which is probably why you have
gotten little response.

By it doesn't come up, what do you mean (ie what error code do you get
back?) On my system when I try this I get permission denied.

It sounds like you problem is that you have put this directory under the
cgi-bin dir which probably has been designated as having scripts uder it
(and it appears all directories under it as well). So apache is probably
trying to execute it.

Whay not put the image directory somewhere else (not under cgi-bin). To
make it ocnvenient to use you can add a 'Alias' for it like this

Alias /cgi-images/ /some/damn/long/path/to/the/images.

in httpd.conf and in your html use <img src="/cgi-mages/cgi.gif">


> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: matt boex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >
> >anyone know where in apache, i can configure for a
> >different image directory.  i have an image dir off of
> >cgi-bin that holds images. when i try to open a gif
> >based on that dir, it doesn't come up.  i looked in
> >httpd.conf but did not find anything.

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