rpm -Uvf control-center-devel-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm  control-center-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm

This way RPM gets to do both needed rpms at the same time.

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Stranger things have happened but none stranger than this. Steven W. Orr-
Does your driver's license say Organ Donor?Black holes are where God \
-------divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all individuals!---------

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Vidiot wrote:

=>Witness the following:
=>rpm -Uvh control-center-devel-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm 
=>error: failed dependencies:
=>        control-center = 1.0.51 is needed by control-center-devel-1.0.51-1
=>rpm -Uvh control-center-1.0.51-1.i386.rpm 
=>error: failed dependencies:
=>        control-center = 1.0.40 is needed by control-center-devel-1.0.40-2
=>Just how are these supposed to install when RedHat's own instructions on the
=>page fail to work?
=>      For each RPM for your particular architecture, run: 
=>      rpm -Uvh filename 
=>      where filename is the name of the RPM. 
=>This isn't the only package that does the above, there are others in the
=>updated pacakges that it is as well.

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