Could be a few different things.  Not sure how newbie you are so if you need
more or less detail let me know and I will try to tailor my future resonses.

First thing I would do is go into the setup that you used to configure your ppp
connection and and set debug on.  I used to use control panel but I think
linuxconf will do it too.  Try and connect as you have been.  Then in a
terminal, cd to /var/log.

If you have never been there before and want to look around type ls to get a
directory listing.  should be several files.  This is where most logging of
activity on your system is stored.  These files are your friend.  what we are
looking for is the file named messages.

View the file by typing

less messages

This will place you in a file reader called less looking at the file messages.
less is more only better.  That one would take too long to explain but some day
you'll get it :)
Your screen should fill up with a lot of different messages. Use the page down
or arrow keys to scroll down to the bottom.  You can jump to the bottom of the
file by simply typing G.  (top is g).

look for the messages that have to do with your ppp connection attempt. The
problem might be apparent.  If not post the pertainent messages and we will try
and figure out what is going on.  It has been a while since I had a problem and
had to wade into this but I am sure someone else will chime in if we get to far

also, what tool are you using to set up your ppp connection?  what are the
settings you are using? PAP or CHAP?  The most likely culprit is the
authenticationprotocol used to establish your identity with your ISP and the PAP
or CHAP settings will have to be played with.

hope this helps.  BTW if you don't want to do the terminal typing you can use
gedit or one of the other gui veiwers to browse to the messages file and view

P Eads wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm a newbie, so I apologize if this question is redundant. I read the
> docs for RH 6.1 to set up a ppp connection. I did as it instruction but I
> still can't get my system to talk to my isp. The modem calls out, they
> connect, but the connection doesn't resolve into a workable connection.
> The cd and tx lights on the modem blink furiously, but nothing else
> happens. I went and looked at the modem/network setup and see that lo is
> made active, but ppp0 is not even when I chose it to dial. So, what do I
> need to delete and redo to get this connection working so that I can get
> online? Do I need to reinstall and not name a hostname so that lo isn't
> created?
> Thanks,
> Penny
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Character is doing what's right when no one but God is looking.
> Written Monday, February 28, 2000 - 1115 (MST)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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