I've noticed a very large difference in the way top and ps are
reporting CPU load. Below is a comparison of 2 taken fairly close

 664 root      11   0 65792  55M  2932 S     0   31.9  44.4  76:37 X

 root   664  4.1  37.8  69256 48428 ?  S  Feb16  76:16 /etc/X11/X

Top seems to show X CPU % to fluctuate a fair amount. Occasional
spikes from less than 1% to 20-30% while I am just sitting watching
top. If I constantly drag a window around it will bump up to 80% or
so. On the otherhand ps almost always shows X at about 4%. Little to
no fluctuation -- no matter what. Who's right?

This is updated RH6.1, kernel 2.2.14, XFree 3.3.6, dual C400 Abit BP6
with QQ BIOS, 128M, WindowMaker .61. Even more interesting, the CPU
spikes are higher with 2.2.15pre7 with top. There are other X apps
that also spike like this, rxvt for one, though not as much.

Hal B

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