On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 09:18:29PM -0500, fred smith wrote:
> For most of us English speakers "route" rhymes with "snout", though
              ^^ I'd say, make that US, not us... ;-)

Around IONA[0], "route" often rhymes with "root" in my experience.

As for the term "rooting": In my understanding, if a box got "rooted",
someone gained unauthorised access to that box, especially to the admin



[0] "Islands Of the North Atlantic", formerly "British Isles" (which
    aren't quite that British anymore since 1921... ;-) )
             "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"

     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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