You never said how many domains you currently support on this box, and how
well it is currently handling it.

Also the jump to non ststic content will certainly increase the laod.

I don't know much about this stuff, but that seems like a lot of doamins
(assuming all doing dynamic content) for one box, but you also don't say
how much traffic the sites get etc.


On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Robert Burton wrote:

> Hello, 
> I am going into some unwalked territory for me and thought I would ask 
> the collective wisdom so often found here (how's that for flattery?)
> My company has the opportunity of adding many more domains (bringing the 
> total to about 180 or so) to our Red Hat 6.0 Linux Server. The domains 
> would be primarily for web but also email.
> The sites will be mostly static, but we are moving towards more database 
> driven sites using PHP, Perl/CGI scripts. We will be running Cold Fusion 
> when it is released. We also will be installing MySQL and/or Postgres. I 
> want to install a web ail reader like IMP eventually too. And there are 
> two sites using SSL (Red Hat Secure Server) but we will be adding sites 
> to use the SSL for ourselves and clients.
> Currently I have running:
> Red Hat Linux Secure Server, RH 6.0
> Pentium II 400
> 256MB Ram
> Swap of 128MB (which doesn't seem to be touched right now)
> Adaptec 2920 scsi card
> The web sites are on a SCSI hard drive - Western Digital Enterprise 6GB
> I Tar to Jaz disk every night
> An IDE hard drive is used for the system files and home directories 
> (which have some websites)
> 3Com 3c905b network card plugged into 100mb port on a switch
> X isn't running.
> Main items running are Apache, SSL, ftp, Sendmail, pop3d, Majordomo, PHP, 
> perl scripts.
> So my question is how much more hardware is needed (for one server) to 
> host all this? Or maybe I don't need anymore hardware?. 
> What are the opinions and experiences with a large number of domains like 
> this?
> Thanks for any insight, it is much appreciated.
> -Bob Burton
> IT Consultant
> Literati Information Technology, LLC

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