One of my systems runs DOS, OS/2 Warp and RH Linux. It's all managed
from the OS/2 Boot Manager.

Another system runs only DOS and Linux, but uses the OS/2 Boot manager

I hope I get this right now. It was a while ago. But this should be the
major strategy:

1) Copy the DOS version of Partition Magic (PM) to a DOS bootable
diskette and boot from there.
2) Use PM to set the free partition space as 'installable'.
3) Boot the Linux install from diskette.
4) Create the partitions needed using Linux fdisk or disk druid. (Note!
Don't use the DOS fdisk for this.)
5) Remember to not install lilo in the mbr, but in the Linux boot
6) Finish the Linux installation. The system will now boot from Linux
only when powered up.
7) Reboot from the DOS diskette with PM and change the OS/2 Boot manager
to become 'bootable'. Add the Linux boot partition to Boot Manager.

Important: Make sure that the complete Linux boot partition gets
installed below cylinder 1024. (Can be tricky.)

If you're clever and find the means for it, make a full backup of
existing systems before attempting this. (Been there myself. Wasn't very
clever. Took me some long nights to get my lost partitions back. ;-)

Reservations: My memory is weak, but I think I got it all. Don't blame
me if something goes wrong. :-) It's a tricky thing you (the original
poster) want to do and many steps may fail. (Including my instructions.
(Especially my instructions. :-))

As always, YMMV.


Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > something. I'm wanting to load it onto a 3074 gig partition and leave
> > another 3600 meg partition as extended.
> 3074 gig? Where can I get a drive like that?
> You mean 3074 meg.
> I don't know how to fix your problem, but you're not making it any easier
> running 98, OS/2 and now Linux. You'd better check with the list, but I
> think you're going to have to do quite a bit of trickery with your
> partitions and the location of LILO to get it to work (if it can at all? -
> it should - this IS Linux we're talking about). I think the way to go would
> be to disable all other HDDs to install Linux, then re-enable them and get
> OS/2's boot manager to somehow allow you to boot the Linux drive.
> BUT: As everyone on this list knows, I do tend to talk out of the place
> where the sun doesn't shine a lot.
> --
> Edward Dekkers (Director)
> Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
> P: +61 8 9397-1040
> F: +61 8 9397-0548

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