I don't know if there is a dynamic file system yet for linux or not.  I see
the one thing that linux (and for that matter solaris and the rest of the
unix'es don't have except IBM's AIX) is a way to dynamically grow a file
system.  AIX has logical volume manager which all of the other operating
sytems in this world need to catch on to.  It is crucial to companies and
business.  Is there a third party product out there that can do this?  I
have to continue to use AIX until this is actually figured out.  Can someone
enlighten me?

Jeff Wilde

-----Original Message-----
From: Clare Teoh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:32 PM
Subject: Increase partition size

This is what I currently have :-

Filesystem      Size    Used    Avail   Capacity        Mounted on
----------      ----    ----    -----   --------        ----------
/dev/hda9       1.7GB   21MB    1.6GB   1%              /var
/dev/hda10      972MB   942MB   30MB    97%             /var/spool/imap

The above 2 partitions are the last 2 partitions on my filesystem. 

Since /var/spool/imap (hda10) is almost full and I have so much space
left on /var (hda9), I was thinking of backing up /var/spool/imap , then
delete the partition (hda10) and then increase the size of /dev/hda9 and
finally restoring /var/spool/imap to hda9.

My question is :-

Can I increase the size of /dev/hda9? If yes, how do I do it? Will it
destroy whatever data that's on hda9?

The server is running RH5.1


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