On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Hal Burgiss wrote:

> Upon rebooting fully updated 6.1 with 2.2.14 kernel, init hangs during
> rc.sysinit. After much digging and swearing, I find that it hangs at
> any reference to 'mount -f'. The 'mount -n' actions go without
> failure. mtab is created (empty) and permissions, attributes, etc
> appear all to be normal. I've run e2fsck till I'm blue in the face.
> The first run showed a lot of errors, but none thereafter (using
> various flags). /dev/hd* all look good. I happen to have the root fs
> mirrored on a different partition and can get in that way. I have run
> 'diff' against /bin, /lib, and /sbin and they would all appear to be
> 100% identical. I have no trouble mounting the screwy partition when I
> boot from my backup root partition. Cannot find anything that looks
> even remotely unusual. I have copied 'mount' from the good one to the
> bad and ugly one. I can get in only with 'init=/bin/sh' to the
> original /, but have all kinds of problems with mount there too.
> Trying to shutdown in that scenario, umount acts real screwy and
> usually hangs.
> WTF is going on? Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated.

Might you have accidently not included support for the proc filesystem
when you recompiled your kernel. Its in the filesystem section.


Ron Golan

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