On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 12:19:02PM -0500, skybell wrote:
> Newbie question.  Have not been able to get online.   Running RH 6.1.   Have
> a static IP on a cable modem.  RH recognizes my ethernet card.  I put
> everything where it belongs.  Gateway, IP, DNS.  Cannot get online though.
> I can ping my IP address and my Loop.  But not the gateway.  I have read all
> the help I can find.  What am I doing wrong.  confused on the localhost and
> host meaning.   Under Win my host name is skybell and my domain
> ipschannel.com..     Any ideas where am I going wrong.
> -- 
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The following showed up in my /var/log/messages when I received your message:

Mar  2 12:59:52 klee named[17225]: Lame server on 'ispchannel.com' (in 'COM'?): 

I don't think it is the problem you are trying to solve here but I
would let your ISP know.

What are the outputs from ifconfig and route?

Ron Golan

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