Mohammed Ennasar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry, the above message was maybe not clear, indeed i installed the
> xemacs-21.8 either linux-2.2.5-15, redhat 6.0, i will use it in mode c++
> and java modes, can i do that? if yes how?
> Thanks in advance.

I'm not entirely clear on your question, but in general when
you use emacs it goes into the appropriate mode based on the
file extension, e.g. if you edit a *.c++ file, it will take
you into c++ mode. 

If that hasn't happened for some reason (e.g. you're using a
non-standard file extension) you can force it by running a
command like 
  ESC x c++-mode

If you need to know how these modes work (what features are
present, and so on) you can read the on-line documentation
for emacs in info mode.  Do something like: 

  C-h i memacs
  mC Mode

if you're not familiar with info mode, it's a hypertext
format (which pre-dates the web).  Mostly you can just read
through things by hitting the space bar. 

If you need to know general stuff about emacs, there's an
on-line tutorial: 

   C-h t 

(It's always been one of the endearing traits of emacs that
you need to be a bit of an expert in order to use the help
system effectively... )

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