On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 12:01:47PM -0500, Pieckiel, Kevin A wrote:
> connect it to our fileserver.  It's a Pentium running Linux, kernel 2.2.14,
> and it has an Adaptec 29160 (this one has an external 68-pin LVD connector),

Ok, I'll out myself: What's "LVD"?

Other than that: I don't know the specific hardware, but coming from an
electronics background I just have to ask: Can it be taken apart? i.e.
can you get at the single drives? If so maybe that could give you a hint
as to which interface to use - often, you can look up the drive types in
the web. Also, have you tried IBM's website? They have a good bit of
information on all sorts of stuff there.


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