I didn't know that Kentucky Fried Chicken makes KFC monitors.  ;-D


Jukka Lindgren wrote:

> Newbie Alert - On.
> I have seen similar problems discussed on this list before - now it is my
> time to get stuck:
> I installed RH6.1 clean using Sony Multiscan 100ES monitor - all went fine.
> I then replaced the monitor with Smile KFC CA1515VS - and the display was
> very dark and distorted. OK, monitor syncs are wrong, I thought. I then
> adjusted the display with xvidtune, ending up with a good display.
> Now, whenever I reboot the machine, I will first end up (the Login screen)
> with a 1024 x 768 desktop displayed at 640 x 480 screen. I.e. if I move the
> mouse cursor near the edge of diplay, the desktop will scroll to show more
> area at that edge.
> Where can one set the desktop size?
> This was the "piece -of-pie" part. Now for the tricky one:
> I enter my login and password, and when Enlightenment and Gnome is starting
> up - the machine freezes completely!!!  Stuck.
> This may also happen as early as when the large "Red Hat" circular logo is
> displayed or any time after that. But I never get Gnome default windows
> opened before the system dies.
> The KFC monitor has following sync frequencies:
> Video bandwidth: 80 MHz
> Horizontal sync: 30-60 kHz
> Vertical sync: 50-100 Hz
> With Xconfigurator I made sure I do not overdrive the monitor.
> My hardware is:
> RH Linux 6.1 for Alpha
> Digital Alpha XL266
> 96 Mb RAM
> S3 Trio 64 DRAM pci (764) display adapter, 1 Mb video RAM
> Smile KFC CA1515VS monitor
> Yes, Using Sony monitor would clear the problem, unfortunately this is not
> an option for permanent use.
> Please, kindly also copy your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as
> on-list. I may not receive it otherwise...
> --
> Jukka Lindgren
> =-= Ja takana säestää Testudo horsfieldi -lauma =-=
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - työpaikalle)
> "I have been known to be wrong..."

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