Jeff Smelser wrote:

> CCH wrote:
> >
> > Not only for Linux but also for Windows.  Netscape seems to be alot of
> > problems.  While in Windows, Netscape caused general protection fault in
> > Kernel.  While in Linux, Netscape froze while viewing a few images using
> > java taking my X windows with it forcing me to reset the computer.
> > While I like the layout of this program, how in the world is anyone
> > putting up with that? (Asking myself too)  Is Netscape getting slacky
> > about improving this program?  Is Netscape 5.0 going to greatly improve
> > this?  I have been considering running Internet Exploder under Linux
> > once I figured out how to use Wine.  Internet Explorer seems to work
> > fine and had all the nice features while my Netscape finally crashes
> > nearly everytime I download emails or when I close the program forcing
> > me to reboot Windows completely to get rid of that dialog box.  Geeze.
> First, I have never lost my system with netscape. My bet is all you
> needed to do was kill netscape. It never locks X. Least here is never
> does.
> Jeff
> --
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That's true (almost).  Netscape froze on me before in Linux and I use kill
with right clicking on X button and it's gone.  BUT, when I visited the java
webpage then Netscape froze disabling my keyboard and my mouse moves still
but no click available not even kill.  Only thing still running is my clock.


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