I had the same problem start from the beginning when I installed the 6.1


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Stephen Hargrove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Busy Modem
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 15:16:23 -0600

Hey all.  I'm running RH6.1 on a Gateway Solo 2500.  I've had no problems
with it until this morning.  I logged onto the 'net and then logged off and
shutdown the system.  Now, whenever I try to log back in, the system keeps
responding "Sorry, the modem is busy."  (Actually, it's KDE that gives the
message, not the system.)

I've searched for lock files, but can't find any.  /var/log/messages doesn't
show anything either.  Any ideas on where I should be looking to fix this?


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