
prompt$ man -w vi
/var/catman/cat1/vi.1.gz (<-- /usr/man/man1/vi.1)
prompt$ vi /usr/man/man1/vi.1
:!groff -man % > /tmp/vi.man.ps
prompt$ file /tmp/vi.man.ps
/tmp/vi.man.ps: PostScript document text conforming at level 3.0
prompt$ gv /tmp/vi.man.ps &

Have fun,
Rick L. Mantooth
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Philippe Moutarlier wrote:

=> Vidiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
=> > >> >John
=> > >> 
=> > >> Another way is: groff -man manpage_file | lpr
=> > >>             or: groff -man manpage_file > manpage_file.ps
=> > >> 
=> > >> Too much work to do it in EMACS.
=> > >> 
=> > >> MB
=> > >
=> > >Cool.  But what exactly are you trying to say, vi boy?
=> > >
=> > >Yeah. I went there.....
=> > >
=> > >Eric Cifreo
=> > 
=> > That practically any other method is going to be easier than EMACS? :-) :-)
=> > 
=> > Yes, I prefer vi :-)
=> I guess, it is a matter of personal preferences . I do LOVE emacs. Don't find 
anything hard to do with it.
=> The funny thing is this comparison between Vi an Emacs when the only features we 
can talk about are the Vi ones that emacs has and not the Emacs ones that Vi doesn't 
=> BTW : how do you do the above thing with Vi ? 
=> amically
=> Philippe
=> PS : hope I don't start some kind of flame here !  
=> > 
=> > MB
=> > -- 
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=> >     programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
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=> > 
=> > 
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