Juha Saarinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Trying to figure out why Web browsing was slower going through Squid rather
>than directly to the 'Net, I looked in cache.log and found lots of these
>2000/03/21 22:54:48| comm_udp_sendto: FD 1,, port 53: (13)
>Permission denied
>2000/03/21 22:54:48| idnsSendQuery: FD 1: sendto: (13) Permission denied

I've never seen it before but it looks like maybe squid is trying to send a 
dns query to a broadcast address.  Doesn't make any sense to me either.  Do 
you have ipfwadm/ipchains rules on the same server or a different one that 
would be denying what squid is trying to do?  How about DNS, is it working 
properly?  You might check the DNS portion of squid's config file too - 
normally squid will default to whatever's in /etc/resolv.conf, but there's 
an override option "dns_nameservers" that will let you specify different ones.

I know this probably isn't much help, but it's all I can think of off the 
top of my head.


Eric Sisler
Library Computer Technician
Westminster Public Library
Westminster, CO, USA

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