Previously I had said:
Annoying problem occured this weekend.  Started to install a network card.
Then got caught up in an emergencey elsewhere.  When I finally got back to
my PC there was not enough time to run wiring and all.  So that will have 
to wait to next weekend.

So I just closed up the PC with everything installed.  This is running Red
Hat 6.1.  So I turn it on to go out and get my mail and such.  It stops and
asks me if I want to configure the new card.  As it is late, there is no 
hub installed yet and I am tired I tell it to ignore it and continue.  My
usual console login appears for a second then disapears and the level 5 GUI
login shows up.  No big deal just set /etc/inittab back to level 3.  It is
just annoying that they change the login level without asking.  Wait
/etc/inittab is at 3.  Boot up again same thing.  The try 'linux 3' at lilo
still the same.  As it now is getting later I decide to leave it and ask
here in the morning.  So could someone please tell me how to get back to a
level 3 login, thanks.

                                                         John Fusek
                                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well I missed it in inittab.  I was look for the line:

# default runlevel

to change it to:


But my inittab had it set at 3.

Looking for all files in /etc that changed on Sunday I found it was in
inittab.  The last lines were

# Run xdm in runlevel 5
# xdm is now a separate service
x:3:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm - nodaemon

when I changed it to

x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm - nodaemon

I was back to normal.  So instead of changing '5' to '3' I had to do the
opposite.  Now does anyone know why this was done?

                                                    John Fusek
                                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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