It's taken me about a year but have finally gotten comfortable enough w/ linux
to take this step. I want to put winblows in it's rightful place and run it as
an app on my linux box. I have 3 mission critical apps that I have to run on
winblows and the rest of my work is now being done faithfully by my linux box.
So, I bought a second ide drive for my linux box. I want set it up as a slave,
put windows on it and run it through Vmware. I was wondering if the Hatters on
the list could give me the skinny on the do's and dont's for this as I'd like to
make this as painless as possible.


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Steven J. Gulick
Cornerstone Development, LLC.
Voice (203) 855-1501
Fax    (203) 838-9597
Date: 22-Mar-2000 Time: 14:06:31

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