On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 06:35:53PM -0300, Martin R. Gonzalez wrote:
> I am currently running RH 6.1 in a laptop with a 1026x768 screen
> (that includes support for tt fonts up to what I know) and I
> recently got hold of a copy a the Font deuglification How-To.
> So I would like to know what I can do in order to improve the
> quality of the fonts in the screen (since some of them look crapy
> and others to tiny to read them comfortably).

Screen? That is kinda vague. Most apps are going to have their own
configuration -- your window manager, xterm, Netscape, etc. That HOWTO
has some good tips. Check also:

A lot of Font related links, etc.

> Moreover I wonder if that howto applies to this version of redhat or
> if it was meant for the previous version that did not came with tt
> support.

Same difference. 
> Finally I have read something about changing the order of the fonts
> in the fonts path but after digging in the xconfig file located in
> the etc\x11... directory I have only found a line like this
> fontpath: unix -1 and if I go to the xconfig file located in the
> /usr/x11r.... I have another xconfig gfile. By the way why do I have
> two of them?.

For xfs, you the FontPath is defined in /etc/X11/fs/config. Make your
changes there.

Hal B

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