Hello everybody,

        I have RedHat 6.1 in my PC and I am working with the MBone 
videoconferencing tools sdr, vic and rat and I've got a problem with 
some multicast sessions that use a high UDP port to transmit video or 
audio (I have tried with port upper than 60000).

        The problem is that when I try to run one of these tools 
using such a high port, I have the error:

bind: Address already in use

        I have checked that there is no other application using the 
address nor the UDP port. And the problem arises every time I want to 
use a very high port. But this problem doesn't appear with my 
previous configuration using RedHat 6.0.

        Somebody told me that the problem could be related with file /
proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range, but I have writed this file 
with content:

1024 65000

        and problem continues.

        Any idea? Thanks in advance.

Angel L. Mateo
Servicio de Informática
Universidad de Murcia
Edificio D, Campus de Espinardo
CP: 30100, Murcia
Tfo: +34 968367601
Fax: +34 968363389

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