Hi Find attached a file which can explain you how to connect and browse. But
I too tyring to find out a solution to work on off-line mailing. Anyway this
can help you setup the basic.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, April 01, 2000 9:01 AM
Subject: Rogers @home

>Hello every one,
>Next week, I will get my Rogers @home account.
>Is there any website that shows me how to connect my Linux
>box to the net? Step by step please.
>Any help is welcome
>Ali from Canada
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Title: PPP Setup Tips: Using the Red Hat Network Configuration tool (netcfg)
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6. Using the Red Hat Network Configuration tool (netcfg)

Red Hat Linux includes two tools to help youi to setup a PPP connection, console based (linuxconf) and X-Windows based (linuxconf and netcfg). If you do not have X running on your Red Hat Linux system yet, or you prefer, you can skip down to the linuxconf section.

6.1 Starting the netcfg tool

You must start the netcfg tool from within X-Windows as root. Either start X-Windows having logged in to the console as root, or start X-Windows, start an xterm/rxvt, and then issue the following commands

        netcfg &

(Note: I recommend that you actually login as root rather than su to root.)

If you su to root then you will need to use the following steps:

        xhost +
        su root (and provide the root password when prompted)
        export DISPLAY=<your machine name>:0
        netcfg &

in an xterm window to start the Network Configurator.

The netcfg window will open up with the Names button highlighted.

6.2 Adding the PPP interface

Click on the Interfaces button - the window changes to show the configured network interfaces. You now need to ADD an interface, so click on the Add button.

A new subwindow opens (Choose Interface Type), showing you a choice of the interfaces that can be configured using the tool. If it is not already checked, click on PPP to select that type of interface and then click on the OK button.

6.3 Providing the basic ISP information

The subwindow is replaced by a "Create PPP Interface" subwindow. In this, fill in the requested details.

The phone number should be the full phone number you dial to access your ISP's PPP server. Do not forget to add any outside line or long distance access codes that are necessary. You can include any modem dialing commands (such as a "comma - ," to pause for one second to allow a PBX to grant you an outside dialtone).

When you have completed this, click on the Customize button and the Edit PPP Interface subwindow opens.

6.4 Setting the interface hardware options

In the Edit PPP Interface (hardware) window, make sure that Use hardware flow control and modem lines is checked, as is the Abort connection on well-known errors.

Also check that the line speed is set to the maximum serial interface speed supported by your modem and computer serial port. For modern modems and serial ports this should probably be 115200 (baud).

Leave the Escape control characters box unchecked.

You need to enter the serial port to which your modem is connected. This should probably be /dev/modem provided you have used the modem tool in control-panel to link the serial port to /dev/modem.

If you have not done this, start the modemtool by typing

        modemtool &

in the root xterm sesion that is running or by clicking on the modemtool icon in the "control-panel" main window.

Now simply select the correct serial port and click on OK - the modemtool window will close and you can return to the Edit PPP Interface Window. Make sure you have the correct modem port selected in this window and now click on Communication.

Note:You can create this link by hand if you know the port number the modem is on, a small table is provided at the end of this document to help you. To create the link yourself you need to figure out the port and type:

For a 2.0.X kernel use:

        ln -s /dev/cuaX /dev/modem

For a 2.2.X kernel use:

        ln -s /dev/ttySX /dev/modem

The Author suggests looking at the Serial Port Reference for more information concerning the layout of the serial ports on you Red Hat Linux system.

6.5 Scripting the log in process

In the Edit PPP Interface (Communication) window you will now enter the information that will allow the chat program to automatically log you into your ISP's PPP server.

The window will now show the 'expect/send' pairs used to log you into your ISP's PPP server and start PPP. At first, there will be two sets of 'expect/send' pairs...

        Expect          Send
        -----           ----
        ogin:           <your isp username>
        ord:            <your isp password>
        TIMEOUT         5

You may need to edit the "Expect" parts if your ISP does not use a prompt of login: to indicate you should enter your user name and password: to prompt you to enter your password.

To edit an entry, click on the entry's line (it will become highlighted) and then click on the Edit button. (Alternatively, double click on the entry and this will select the entry and open the edit window).

This will open an Edit Chat Entry subwindow. Simply click in the appropriate text box and then edit the text to be a substring of your ISPs prompts (preferably the last 6 or so characters). It is a good idea to leave off the first character or two of the prompt as these can get lost.

When you have edited the entry, click on Done to return to the Edit PPP Interface Window.

Edit the other "Expect" entries to reflect the prompts issued by your ISP's system. If you need to, use minicom or seyon to dial into your ISP to refresh your memory of the prompts.

If you must issue a command to start PPP on the server once you have logged in, click on Append and enter the "Expect" prompt and the string to "Send" (the command required to start ppp on your ISP's server) as before, then click on Done and the new entry will be added to the bottom of the expect/send pairs.

When you have entered all the necessary expect/send pairs, click on the Networking button to set the networking options.

6.6 Setting the networking options

In the Edit PPP Interface (Networking) window, you set various options to control the way the PPP interface operates.

Unless you always want the connection to your ISP to be dialed every time your Red Hat Linux system boots, do not check the Activate interface at boot time box.

You will need to check the Set default route when making connection as this tells your Red Hat Linux computer to send packets for which it has no specific route (that is - it is not a local network address) through the PPP interface.

If you have a permanent PPP connection, you may wish to check Restart PPP when connection fails.

The MRU (maximum receive unit) sets the largest size packet (in bytes) that your PPP interface will accept. This involves some trade-offs.

If you have a clean link, you should set the "MRU" to 1500. However, if looking at "pppstats" shows more than a few percent errors, it would probably be best to drop down the MRU. If you need to do this, keep the MRU set to values that follow the rule:-

        MRU = (2N x 128) + 40

Where N is replace it with 1, 2, or 3.

6.7 Setting the IP numbers

Most ISPs provide you with a dynamic IP address ,which issues you a different but valid, IP address each time you connect to them. If this is the case, leave the IP number boxes empty.

It is only necessary to specify your IP address (the Local IP address) if you have a permanent IP address given you by your ISP, but during the PPP negotiation it does not provide you with your IP number. In all other cases you should leave the IP addresses blank - the PPP server should tell you your IP address.

Similarly, you do not normally need to specify the Remote IP address (the address of the PPP interface on the server to which you connect).

6.8 Saving your settings

You have now entered all the information you need, so in the Edit PPP Interface window, click on Done and Save the current configuration.

6.9 Setting up your Name Servers (DNS)

In order for you to be able to use names for computers such as www.redhat.com instead of the IP number when using Internet services, your Red Hat Linux computer needs to know how to obtain the IP number of a computer with just its given name.

This name to address resolution service is called DNS (Domain Name Service) and is provided by computers running a name service. Your ISP should provide you with the IP address of at least one (if not two) name servers.

In the netcfg main window, select Names. Click in the Nameservers: box and enter the IP addresses of your ISP's name servers - one IP address per line.

When you have entered the IP addresses, click on Save.

6.10 Activating your PPP interface

If you have entered all the information correctly, you should now be able to dial your ISP and connect.

To do this, simply click on the Interfaces button in the netcfg main window and select the PPP interface by clicking on its line. The line will be highlighted.

Now, check that your modem is turned on and then click on the Activate button. Your modem will dial and you should connect to your ISP.

To test your connection once the modem has dialed and the inactive tag against your PPP interface turns to active, try pinging one of your ISP's name servers with the command

        ping <IP number of nameserver>

If this works, you are done!

Note: You can also have the interface come up at boot time, or bring it up by typing the command

        ifup ppp0

You can also bring the interface down in a similar fashion with the command

        ifdown ppp0

If it does not work, take a look at the Problems section below.

6.11 Closing down (deactivating) the PPP link

To close down your link, start the netcfg tool (as root) and select the Interfaces button. Now select the line containing your PPP link and click on Deactivate. The interface will be deactivated and the modem will hang up.

6.12 The PPP scripts

All the scripts associated with network interfaces are kept in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. The ones associated with the PPP interface are:

        chat-ppp0       the 'expect/send' pairs for the dial/login process
        ifcfg-ppp0      the variables and settings for the interface
        ifdown-ppp      shell script to deactivate the link
        ifup-ppp        shell script to activate the link.

6.13 Problems

It is possible that you may have some problems with setting up PPP or your modem.

Modem dials but the link never activates

If your modem dials and connects, but the PPP interface is never activated, you probably have a problem with your chat script. Look through the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0 file and make sure that this looks correct. Unless you know how chat scripts work, I suggest you read the full PPP-HOWTO before you try editing this by hand. While it is relatively simple, you do need to know a few things!

If you cannot see the problem, the next step is to make the chat command log (record) its conversation with your ISP's PPP server to the syslog (/var/log/messages.

To do this, edit ifup-ppp and find the line

        connect "/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/....

change this line by adding -v as below

        connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/...

When you activate the PPP interface, the conversation will be recorded in the syslog and this may well help you find the problem.

When you look at the recorded chat conversation, it may be that the server never sends a login prompt. If this happens, try adding an empty expect/send pair at the top of the list.

More complex problems

For more complex problems, post to the Red Hat Linux PPP mailing list.

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