Morning Everyone:

I'm running Red Hat 6.2 with Samba.  My Linux box has 2 Ethernet cards in
it, eth0 going to my cable modem provider and getting its IP Address via
DHCP, and eth1 statically assigned  I have a Windows 2000
machine, installed on a NTFS partiton type on another machine.  This
machine has an IP Address of  From the Windows 2000 machine,
I can go to Network Neighborhood, and see my home directory on the Linux
box.  Networking appears to be working correctly.

What I would like to do is the reverse, if possible.  If I leave the
Windows 2000 machine on, and I telnet into the Linux box from a remote
location, is it possible to see what's on the Windows machine?  If so, is
this something that can/should be set up through Samba, or is there a
different approach to take?

- Mike

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