To all,

Have an iteresting problem.

I am backing up files from a win2k ws to a rh6.1 box running Samba 2.0.5a.
When my file server was an NT box I could use the following: 

xcopy f:\*.* z:\ /c /d /e /f /h /i

to copy (backup) all my new files to the server. Worked great.

When I try to do this to the Linux/Samba box, the command attempts to
overwrite files which I no have not changed since the last time I ran xcopy
(as run with these switchs, xcopy should only copy the newer files).

It is almost as if the dates of the files on the linux box are not being
properly read by the xcopy/win2k machine.

Can anyone provide any insight as to which machine needs an "adjustment" and
what might I need to do. If you need more info on how the two machines are
set up. please contact me.

Thanks much in advance.




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