At 01:48 AM 04/07/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Additionally, I tried to kill all processes for user 'foo' (owner of
>original gnome/X lockup):
>  ps aux | grep foo | awk '{print $2}' | kill
>  ps aux | grep foo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
>but no go.
>What's the best way to "logout" a user and/or kill all of his processes?

How about using
#kill -9 <process name>
for an absolute kill of the processes.

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| Mark Neidorff                |Descartes walks into a bar, the    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |bartender asks,"Can I get you a    |
| Just Answers!                |drink?"  Descartes replies,        |
| Computer Systems Solutions   |"I think not." --and he disappears.|
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