
You've gotten a lot of replies about new hardware.  I didn't see anyone 
come out and say it but I think that yes, you're going to need actual 
terminals (or some nifty box that turns a monitor+kbd+mouse into 
one).  Then the issue of connection to the basement depends on the 
terminal.  You may also need a multi-port serial card.  I believe I've seen 
technologies for having a kbd and mouse distant but I don't know any way to 
deliver video except through a cable or maybe across a wireless ethernet 
(but that requires a computer on both ends).

Anyway, if you get terminals, a single Linux server will do.  I imagine old 
terminals are pretty much door stops these days and you can come by them 
cheap or free.  The new ones that look PC-ish may be harder to come by cheaply.

I also fondly recall the good old days when I was in college in the 80's 
and dumb terminals were my only access to the Internet and I favor the CLI 
even today.  But I think I would feel constrained by being limited to using 
terminals.  I would favor leaving a few Linux workstations around the 
living quarters and string ethernet down to a hub next to a server or two 
in the basement.  The workstations can be powered up and down while the 
server runs 24/7.

You could also look into ways of muffling the computers or soundproofing 
the bedroom.  Or you could take up snoring.

-Alan Mead

At 06:59 AM 4/6/00 , you wrote:
>Could someone enlighten me about what I would need to create the part
>titled 'dumb terminal' in this solution?
>Guess I'd need some monitors, keyboards and mice, but how do they
>communicate (over distance) with the PCs? Do I use some kind of modems?
>What kind of modems? Can I use ordinary PC equipment to do this?
>(Looking forward to have multiple video cards under XFree 4.0.) Can I
>serve multiple sound cards from a shared PC to dedicated 'login points'?
>Using a multiplexor in the living room to serve multiple monitor setups?

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