With a lot of help I've now arrived at a detailed procedure that builds
from sources Apache, mod_perl, PHP( which can access the PostgresSQL and
MySQL databases), as well as the database themselves (Server, Client,
and Development).   The tar files from the RH6.2 rpm source files were
used (except for MySQL which was downloaded) because relocation of the
source and builds was an issue.  Most of this has been tested and
appears to work fine.  However, I am clueless as to how to actually test
mod_perl.  Up till now I have used the CGI.  Here is an example of how I
did it using CGI before mod_perl.


...which brings up a web page from the server to the browser.  The web
page contains the submit URL...


...where both 'shell_script' and 'something.pl' were in directory
referenced by 'cgi-bin'
...apache would create an 'execution space' directing inputs there and
looking for output from there
   (sorry if this sounds confusing as I only have a high level
understanding of how this works)
...the shell script would take the parameter 'something.pl' and execute
it with the perl interpreter.
...'something.pl' would do the processing, access a database, etc., and
prepare a web page using  print
...the web server would grab the output (web page created by
'something.pl') and fire it back to the browser.

The idea of the mod_perl apache module is to be able to take
'something.pl'  and process it with the module mod_perl (which is the
perl interpreter).   So my question is:  Using 'something.pl' how does a
web page imbedded URL hand this off to the apache web server with
mod_perl???  I need an example
somethng like the one above.    And how do I confirm that mod_perl
actually did the processing????

Someone out there must know the answer.  Forgive me if this is
considered OT.  Maybe it should go to the Apache list (forgotten where
that is).

It's still so cold out here in northern Alberta that there is a heavy
layer of frost on the porch door hinges and the water hole still has a
heavy layer of ice and I'm feeding the fireplace with new wood every
hour or two until the afternoon sun warms things up.  Brrrrr.  Time to
feed the fireplace again!

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